4 Computer Parts that Don’t Last Long

Buying a quality computer is sometimes quite an investment. For example, in order to build a solid gaming configuration, you would usually need $1700 to $1800. On the other hand, to build something for top notch design or programming, you will need to spend even more. Unfortunately, this kind of purchase often leaves a sour taste in one’s mouth as soon as the first malfunction appears. However, it is very rare that there is something wrong with your entire computer. Even if this is the case, there are repair companies everywhere (check out igtrepair.com for one example) that can help you with your computer needs. Although, it is usually one or few of its parts that malfunction and, by replacing them, you will fix the problem. Here are 3 computer parts that usually don’t last long.

4 Computer Parts that Don't Last Long

Power Supply

Even though Power Supply on its own may not be as fragile as you think, greed is a powerful force and a customer buying premade configuration is often at its receiving end. When buying a premade configuration, most people focus on things like GPU, CPU, RAM and HDD space. This, however, means that retailers will have the opportunity to try and increase their profit by adding a low-quality power supply to the mix. Not only will this cause your computer to underperform, but potentially even damage the rest of your gear (starting with the motherboard.

4 Computer Parts that Don't Last Long

Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

There is a statistic claiming that lowest quality HDDs have a significant chance of malfunctioning in just three months. Now, when it comes to the actual price of replacing HDD, opinions are quite divided. On one hand, buying new HDD is one of the most inexpensive upgrades/repairs you can ever make on your computer. However, the loss of all the data (often crucial, business-related ones) that might happen can be ruinous. The popular opinion is that HDDs fail and there is nothing you can do about it, but this is as far from the truth as it gets. It is only logical that buying computer parts made by a renowned manufacturer offer at least some sort of guarantee.

4 Computer Parts that Don't Last Long


Every time you buy a new computer and you open it up, you are bound to notice that it probably has at least one more fan than the previous one. The reason for this is quite simple; more powerful computers heat up more quickly. Because of this, if you want your configuration to remain operational, you will have to add powerful fans to cool it down. Seeing how they’re constantly in motion and how they never rest while the computer is working, the chance of them breaking is quite high. Additionally, when CPU, GPU or HDD malfunction, you will notice right away. Unfortunately, this is not the case with fans and, by the time you recognize the symptoms, your computer’s state may have already drastically deteriorated.

4 Computer Parts that Don't Last Long


Even in the era of wireless technology, cabling still remains the ultimate mean of conducting data through your computer. As a part of your hardware system is susceptible to malfunction like anything else, but it is unfortunately quite difficult to diagnose. Why? Well, let’s say your network cable started behaving oddly. You would first notice this problem by the lack of connection. In this situation, most people would either call their provider or assume their router/modem got broken. According to Boscom.net.au the safest thing to do when you assume this to be the issue is to just call their customer service and describe your problem.


As we have already mentioned, one of the main reasons why these three parts are usually first to break down is because they receive the least attention from the computer owner. What most people care about in HHDs is how much space they offer, and they only care about if fans and power supplies are present. What you need to realize is that your computer is like a living organism, and in order for it to function well, each of its parts/organs must be in good condition/healthy. Even if you’re preparing it for VR and 2016 video games, there is always more to worry about than just the graphic card.
Dan Radak is a marketing professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and a regular contributor to Technivorz.

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