The Americans With Disabilities Act defines changes that are required to accommodate patrons and residents who have disabilities. The standard regulations define a need for wheelchair access and easy to open doors for disabled individuals. However, the laws and regulations don’t just apply to commercial properties. The legislature applies to any type of service that is available to anyone who has disabilities. This includes websites published online. Website owners who aren’t sure if they are compliant follow 3 simple steps for becoming compliant with the federal regulations and standards.

1. Coding the Website Appropriately
It is recommended that websites are coded with HTML instead of more complex programming languages. It is easier for web designers to update the website and ensure that the website is ADA compliant. Any documents that are added to the website for public view require text format that makes it simpler to provide PDF files for internet viewers with disabilities.
Internet users who are blind use software that reads the website information to them. A more complex coding scheme makes it difficult for the software to recognize the language and transpose into words that are easy to understand. Essentially, the more complex coding doesn’t translate well and creates a colossal mess for any internet uses who need software to read the information out loud due to a disability. According to the internet standards defined under the Americans With Disabilities Act, a website isn’t ADA compliant if the website isn’t useful for blind internet users who read the audible software. To determine if the company website is compliant, read about PERC ADA Compliance™ Plugin for further details.
2. Make the Design Keyboard Navigatible
Disabled internet users rely on keyboard-based controls that make it easier to get information online. For individuals who are blind, the keyboard controls help the users start or stop the audible software reading the website content. A true testament to if the website is compliant or not is the ability to navigate through the entire website with keyboard controls flawlessly. Website owners are required under the ADA to test the website and ensure that keyboard-based controlling and navigation is enabled. If it isn’t, the website owner is in violation of federal laws and standards.
When updating the website, it is vital for the owner to test the controls and repair any issues that make the features unavailable to disabled internet users. Assessing compliance helps website owners avoid possible penalties for violating federal laws and preventing access to disabled internet users.
3. Follow the ADA Checklist for More Changes
Since the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act, new provisions have been taken to help website owners manage compliance more proactively. The federal government has created a checklist specifically for website owners that discusses ways to improve accessibility to the website for disabled individuals. Using the checklist helps the website owner monitor areas where disabled internet users could face limited access to the website.
In an attempt to make the country more accessible and improved for disabled individuals, the US government passed the Americans With Disabilities Act to protect the rights of disabled individuals. The measure also applies to websites and services available online. Evaluating compliance of the website improves the accessibility of all websites and helps owners avoid negative repercussions.
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