Contentmart: A Place Where You Can Hire Highly Professional Writing Talent

Most clients find it hard to access good writing talent even though they know that there are thousands of good writers all over the world. They often give up thinking that the task is too cumbersome as conventional content writing agencies do not somehow stand up to the expectations. However, Contentmart is an online content marketplace that allows clients to hire freelance content writers with utmost ease. Contentmart offers a professional content writing services utilizing the power of the Internet to bring entities requiring written content and freelance content writers together on a web platform. It is ideal for freelance writing opportunities.


What is even better here is that the marketplace is a perfect platform for content buyers to explore a pool of talent and get their content needs sorted. Content buyers or clients can register on the Contentmart website free of cost. As a client you just need to register yourself on the platform either through your active Facebook id or email.

Once you register by adding all the relevant details to your profile, you will be redirected to the ‘New Order’ page, where you can simply add details of your order, along with the timeline, price and any other detail you will like to add.

And you are ready to get every content need sorted.

Content creators on the other hand also avail free registration. They can provide as much information as needed to highlight their strengths in writing. They can also provide samples of writing on various topics that they have an interest in. The website puts a restriction on the size of the sample and limits it to 3000 characters.

4 Levels of Writing Ability

Clients requiring content writing services can register on Contentmart and hire content writers of their choice. Thousands of freelance content writers have registered themselves on Contentmart. They are further classified under four categories based on the level of their expertise. The first is the standard level under which all new entrants to the site are placed after passing the Standard English test administered by the website. The second is the experienced level under which freelance content writers are placed who have passed Intermediate English test, secured 3 or more orders, obtained 4 or higher rating and written an essay on a topic given by Contentmart. The third is the verified level under which writers are placed who have passed Advanced English test, secured 10 or more orders, obtained 4.2 or higher rating, showed 80 percent delivered orders, provided 3 or more portfolios and been issued no warnings. Although the highest level is the verified writer level, Contentmart accords a higher level status (handpicked writer) to some of the verified freelance content writers whom it considers as super-professional writers. Being a handpick writer is completely based on Contentmart’s discretion. Thus, clients have a wide pool of freelance content writers from which they can choose and hire professional writers.

How To Hire A Content Writer?

Clients can hire content writers based on a bidding process. Clients need to submit an order with details regarding the assignment, including the number of words, deadline, any special requirement and the rate. The order would be given an Id number by Contentmart and published on the website. Freelance content writers registered on the website can peruse the order and bid if they meet the specifications given out in the order. The order page permits the client to contact the writer who has bid for the order to seek clarifications through a message board.

how content mart works

Payment & Wallet Management

The client has to fund the order beforehand which will be kept in escrow till the order is completed either way; accepted by the client in which case payment will be made to freelance content writer or rejected by the client in which event the amount kept under escrow will be refunded to the client. In the event the client does not respond to the order submission within 5 days, the order is deemed to be accepted and the payment is made to the writer.

There is a dispute resolution system that can be utilized to sort out any disputes between the client and the writer.

Contentmart, among the best content writing companies in the country, is an excellent place for clients to find good freelance content writers and for writers to find good clients who can utilize their writing talents. Contentmart now also offers excellent translation services.

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