Products are still the top content type for global brands, overshadowing the lifestyle category with 60% engagement. People have grown used to being exposed to products on social media, following their favorite brands and communicating with them. Facebook is still considered the king, and if we focus on the big picture, there seems to be no network capable of beating it. Yet, Facebook is not without flaws, some users do not get its appeal, and also, there are a lot of alternatives for pursuing industry-specific goals.

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Socializing on turbo engines
So, how does Facebook hold up in the presence of other powerful platforms in the league of Twitter? Well, its market is not only standing strong but also gaining ground as we speak. You could say that, for the social media behemoth, everything in the garden seems rosy. Namely, this platform stays at the top of the ladder with 1.590 million active users, holding 18% market share. Moreover, the two closest competitors are owned by this corporate giant as well. The situation does not differ much in terms of penetration and engagement.
First and foremost, Facebook is an inexpensive tool, and many of its features come for free. Still, that is not all there is to this network. For marketers, the greatest benefits come in the form of a plethora of handy tools. Take the example of the option to select the target group and steady the marketing aim. Furthermore, the possibilities for creating, publishing, and later altering ads are multifarious, making our life much easier. The same goes for insight option, which allows us to control the reach and modify marketing strategies.
Real-time responding is another advantage it has, as it provides marketers with a means of communicating with customers 24/7. Also, in order to take engagement to the next level, we can utilize the Call to Action button, or to be more precise, a whole bunch of them: Buy Now, Contact Us, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up, Watch Video, etc. At last, Facebook can compete with image-heavy websites like Instagram, and be used in synergy with YouTube – the best of the best in the arena of video content.
The weight of choice
Hence, it comes as no surprise that Facebook still reigns supreme. However, if we scratch beneath the surface, we realize that this network is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There is no doubt that the social media powerhouse is faced with fierce competition, and what is more, social networks vary considerably in terms of usage in different countries and demographics. Younger population gives preference to platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr – the latter website might be better for displaying product images.
At last, those who do not fancy Facebook may opt for dedicated apps, plugins and other extensions. A versatile WP event ticketing plugin, for example, serves as a great way to accept orders and deliver tickets online, beating the Facebook’s event features by a mile. Indeed, many people still prefer the organic search and come to your website directly. Remember that ultimately, your decision depends on the target audience, and its social media preferences. Facebook is still the cream of the crop in many areas, but for product marketing, it may not be as effective as other tools.
First among many
We have witnessed some remarkable changes regarding the way people communicate between themselves and interact with brands. Social media sites like Facebook are right at the center of these developments, presenting amazing marketing platforms. However, when targeting a specific audience, one should not assume that Facebook will hit the mark better than its alternatives. This is not to say it has no place in the marketing world of today, merely that it should not be regarded as the only viable solution, and not necessarily the best one.
Dan Radak is a marketing professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.
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