Adsense banned? Try Infolinks the Best Adsense Alternative

Review of: Infolinks

Reviewed by:
On October 2, 2014
Last modified:July 23, 2015


Advertising and publishing Network,the best Alternative to Google Adsense.Monetizes your site in a new creative way.

Hey! Do you know that majority of bloggers blog for money. Yeah! You heard right because no one in this world, doesn’t performs any sort of works without any profit.

What bloggers do is they build their blog readers and traffic then they start monetization. Its true that bloggers earn a good sum of money but not all.Because they don’t work smart.

Newbie blogger’s main motto is to earn and that’s it.They first build a crap blog and apply for AdSense. Hell! And their AdSense application gets rejected. Lol and then he starts applying again and again. After many unsuccessful attempts he leaves blogging saying that its waste of time :p

But as I said we should work smartly. Today I’m going share about the best alternative of AdSense. This post is gonna help lot for the one who are searching for AdSense ads but fails every time.


So what is Infolinks?

Infolinks is an ad network with high CPC like AdSense.

What is the difference between AdSense and Infolinks?

AdSense serves rich media ads using banners and ad slots. But Infolinks is totally different from AdSense. It monetizes the text i.e., in-text ads and also in-tags,in-frame ads.

Top reasons to choose Infolinks rather than AdSense :

1.Its very hard to get an AdSense account. (Not always if your blog is having quiet good audience).
But its quite easy to get an Infolinks publisher account and most of the time your site gets approved.

2.Your AdSense account can be banned at any time without any prior notice. 😮 . But Infolinks is not like AdSense it never bans your account instead it mails you regarding the issue in a polite manner.

3.Unlike Google Adsense it has no strict policies.

3.No PayPal support.It pays only via checks and EFT. 😮 But Infolinks supports paypal and payments via check too. :p

4.Minimum threshold limit is $100 😮 Its very high compared to infolinks.

Features of Infolinks Ad network :

1.In-Text Ads

intext infolink adsIn Text ads are used to monetize the text. Some keywords get backlinked to Infolinks ads and are the best way to monetize the text.

when you hover over that keyword, Infolinks in-text ad will be shown up in a small ad box. See the above screenshot. This In-Text Ads can be customized as per your requirements like different colors and dotted/double lines.

2.In-Frame Ads

inframe infolinks ads

In-Frame Ads doesn’t occupy your site’s space instead it works smartly by showing ads in empty spaces at the sidebars. This helps you to save your site/blog’s space. Also this type of ads get more user attraction than any other. This type of ads works perfect if most of your site users have big screens to read your blog. See the above screenshot for a quick idea.

3.In-Tag Ads

intag infolinks ads

In-Tag Ads are probably the smartest ads they are shown automatically below each and every post end (Its position can be customized). Thus resulting in good number of chances to click. See the above screenshot for reference.

4.In-Fold Ads

infold infolinks ads

In-Fold Ads are shown at the bottom of our site with a sticky nature. This ads increases CTR and increases earnings. See the above screenshot.


How to sign up as an infolinks publisher?

Just go here and fill your details and submit for registration.

How integrate infolinks ads into my site?

Just login to your account and go to integrate tab and copy the javascript code then paste it in your blog. By default there are standard settings are set for all types of ads. But if you want to customize you can do it. 🙂

Hey! Are you still waiting? Leave the Adsense and Sign Up now for Infolinks Ads .

Here is what you get by using Infolinks Ads :

1.Fast Approval.

2.No Restrictions on traffic,even blogs or sites with low traffic can get approved.

3.New type of Ads ,Intext ads would help you a lot to monetize your blog.

4.No Extra Space for banners needed. (Unlike Google Adsense).

5.Ads are customizable according to your site/blog’s design and audience.

Sign up now for infolinks

Final Verdict :
To be honest I too use this Ad network for my Blog. Its great even if your blog is getting low traffic. The biggest Reason why I prefer Infolinks is it will not ban our account when some clicks our ads more than 2-3 times. But when it comes to Adsense , your account will be suspended. So I suggest you to go with Infolinks if you have a bad luck with Google Adsense.

What do you think about this Ad network? Aren’t I Correct about this review? Comment down with your feedback.

  1. Hello Abdul,
    It’s not new how Adsense banned users account without a prior notification or warning. And I think infolinks is a big catch and one of the best alternative to Adsense. Anyways, thanks for sharing and do have a nice weeks ahead 😀 .

    • Hello Victor,
      Thanks for sharing your feedback.I’m glad that you liked it.Stay tuned with us for more reviews and tech updates.

      Abdul Ghani.

  2. Hi Abdul,

    Yes to be frank Infolinks is really the best Adsense Alternative. It helped me on my every niche blog.
    Kudos to Infolinks.

    Nice Article.


    • Hello Shaswat,

      Welcome to Tech Glows,Thanks for commenting. I’m glad that you liked it. Stay tuned with us for more reviews and tech updates.

      Abdul Ghani.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful article.

    Yes we have many alternatives for Adsense. Prior to this I was worked with one website, I tried many time to get approval for adsense. But each and every time i get same result “Rejected”. I fed up with that and i give up blogging.

    Now I started a new website and here i am going to fully concentrate on affiliated programs. I hope i can have better earning from this.

    Still before this article i don’t had any idea about infolinks. Will try this on my new site.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Prasanna LP

    • Hello Prasanna,

      Welcome, I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      Yeah! You are right bro.Generally people think that AdSense is the only way to earn money.But they don’t know that there are many alternatives of Google AdSense.

      Anyway Thanks for commenting, stay tuned with us for more reviews and tech updates.

      Abdul Ghani.

  4. Hi Abdul Ghani,

    I actually tried infolinks on some of my websites a while back and it worked good.
    Unfortunately I’ve discovered affiliate products to work much better for me.
    Anyway great review, keep up the good work!

  5. Hi Abdul,

    Thanks for this awesome post. You’ve outlined the different features of Infolinks very well. It’s really useful. I’m using Infolinks for some years and it is still there on most of my blogs.

    However, comparing Adsense and Infolinks is somehow unfair. Infolinks is a different kind of advertising netwrok with different set of advertisers. If you ask me, you can’t replace Adsense with Infolinks however using Infolinks in addition to Adsense is pretty fine.

  6. HI Abdul,
    yes bro you are right, infolinks is the best alternative for adsense. And any one can make generate enough money with it can also use it other advertising media even with adsense .

  7. Hello Abdul.

    I discovered Infolinks but delayed my signup for over a year. They’ve not disappointed.

    I’ll say Infolinks is the way to go. I trust they’ll improve by adding more features over time.

    ~ PBW

  8. I must be the odd man out because I’ve been blogging for 5 yrs. and never thought once to implement AdSense in my blog, however, after reading your post I may check into Infolinks. I’d never heard of it until now so thanks for sharing.
    Stopping by from the Cast Off Blog Sydication. – Happy Friday!

  9. Thanks for this reminder and a clear description of how it works. I’ve been a member for a while now and forgot all about it, but I also never quite understood it either, so this helps!

  10. Thanks for sharing the adsense alternatives. Right now i’m using chitika and that’s really cool and looking like adsense too.
    Thanks for the great article

  11. Hi Abdul,
    After a long time reading any post about AdSense alternative, but have to say you have written a very informative article.
    I have worked with both the networks, but the maim problem I face with info links is they pay lil less than google AdSense.
    Thanks for such an awesome post.

    -Abhishek Bamotra
    BMM Siren