Launched Pop Ads – New Website Monetization Feature

I think you all are aware of an online URL shortening site that not only shortens link but also shows intermediate advertisements. It is none other than, we already introduced this online application to you in our previous article. So you all are enjoying decent income via Let me give you some updates about this monetizing platform.

In addition to the old monetizing methods like links, entries, exits,etc, recently launched a new website monetization method named as Pop Ads. When you activate this feature, your website visitors will see a pop up window open in a new window.

By adding/integrating pop-up ad script it allows you to enable additional advertisements on your site. So after you embed it in your website, whenever a user/visitor visits a website with Pop advertisements, they will open up in a new browser window hidden under the user’s current browser. It’s activated “on click” made by user on your website. Standard capping is set to 1 ad per 24 hours. It means there will be one pop ad displayed to a unique user in 24 hours.

I’m sure that this new Website Monetization feature – Pop Ads will surely increase your earnings. Let’s learn how to add this feature for your site.

How to Add Pop-up Ads in your Website/Blog

  • Firstly Login to your account.
  • Click on “Tools” from the top right corner.
  • Then click on “Website Monetization”.


  • Scroll down and you will find Pop Ads there.
  • Toggle the switch to on.


  • Click on “Generate script”.
  • Copy the generated script and add this code to your website.

Note: If you are already having shortest code then just replace it or else simply add this new code. That’s it.

By default the capping limit is set to 1 pop ad in 24 hours. If you want to change the capping limit then you need to contact their support.

So by implementing this pop up ad you can increase your earnings approximately by 40%. Pro Tip: If you want to earn more ask your visitors to disable adblock for your site. Because Adblock will block all types of popup ads. But be sure maintain the user experience i.e., Don’t increase the capping limit to too much that users get annoyed.

Well don’t forget to make use of other website monetization features like Links, Entries, Exits. Exit ads.

  • Link Ads – Link Ads allows you to short all links on your site. There are two modes in it, One is Include domains and the other is Exclude domains. If you want to include some domains to monetize then you can do it in Include domains section. The opposite of it is Exclude domains, on setting which the domain’s links will not shortened or monetized.
  • Entry Ads – When your blog or site is visited frequently, but you are not having many external links, you’re also prone to monetize it. Why? Because will monetize your traffic. Entry Script shows the user/visitor an intermediate page with an advertisement.
  • Exit Ads – It is very useful when you are having high bounce rate and you want to monetize it. So how does it works? Its very simple, whenever a user/visitor clicks back button in your site they will be shown an intermediate page of advertisements. You don’t need worry about your regular visitors as it this scripts only when the visitors hits back button within some seconds without reading anything on your blog/site.

Final Verdict

Of all the Website Monetization Methods in, I personally use and recommend Pop Ads and Exit Ads. Pop Ads are really useful to make a smart decent earning. Blog/site owners who are having high bounce rate must use Exit Ads to monetize your traffic.