Look back over 15 years ago. What did the web design look like that times? In comparison with the today’s web industry progress, it definitely seemed a bit clumsy and rough. There were no mobile devices as we know them today, no option for browsers, as Internet Explorer and Netscape dominated. Today’s generation won’t remember the websites staffed with links and texts with a tiny integration of pictures and awkward fonts, as the Google typefaces simply didn’t exist. The web pages were designed with Flash and CSS using animated Gifs, scrolling marquees and audio clips. It was a time when the concept of web developments was only kicking into gear. So were we, 5 people in a small office in the suburbs, who decided to make websites and hardly had an idea how to stand out from the other web design companies, which were mushrooming with an unbelievable speed. This how our story – a story of TemplateMonster, a web platform, which offers unique, exquisite and user-friendly themes and templates, has started. Now, being a marketplace No. 2 in the whole world and holding a status of one of the most visited websites according to Alexa, we are extremely lucky to find out our specific niche on the global web market. TemplateMonster has become possible thanks in large part to its constant following of technical advancements and enhancing its own skills and practices. Keeping up to date has made us who we are now. So, keep on reading to learn how we made it and still remain on the roll of web market even after 15 years after the launch.
TemplateMonster: from HTML to Ready-Made Templates
First, it was all about custom websites. Creating them from scratch, we were single-mindedly using HTML and CSS code, as everyone did in that times. Operating quite smooth, loading quicker and looking better if to compare them with the ones developed by using Flash and due to the reckless creativity of our team, the websites we made were in demand, so our team managed to get an array of big-name clients such as GAP and more.
Even if HTML was a generally accepted practice, there was no unique structure for the websites to be made on. It influenced an aesthetic component of a web page. In a nutshell, all the websites were made starting from a clean sheet of paper and featured different composition and style, which complicated navigation a lot. Crowded with bright-colored animation and an abundance of different typefaces, these websites were not what you can call user-friendly and nice-looking web page. Needless to say, that our own website looked a bit gawky.
A blessing that nowadays a web aesthetic has changed. Minimalism, flat graphics, large images, moderate color palette and single-page design have made a creative process of a website cheaper, faster and more qualitative.
Despite following the latest trends, while cooperating with the business upper crust, we had a constant feeling of letting something really crucial to slip by. That times we hardly paid attention to middle and small companies, the number of which was rapidly growing. By and large, they were not interested in having their own website, as it was expensive enough: research, design, front-end and back-end, quality assurance – all this cost fortune. Moreover, very often they simply didn’t realize the benefits it might have brought for promotion and client loyalty.
Having this in mind and noticing the speed with which one of our team designers was churning out the websites using his own partially-made layouts, we decided to try to make ready-made website templates, which would require only content! Easy to use, perfectly crafted and specified in accordance with needs and requests of our customers – the templates have become a true uprush and turned out to be a gold mine. For the first two weeks, we made more than $70 000,00. TemplateMonster new offices were opened all over the world. Our website got Polish, French, Italian, German, Ukrainian and Russians versions. In 2016, we conquered Chinese market by establishing our business there.
As you see, there are no special secrets of TemplateMonster success – everything was quite predictable, as we were just trying to follow the technological development and to think a bit ahead. Each year the web design was getting simpler, cleaner and more intuitive. The standards for creativeness have been restructured. So we managed not only to follow these concepts, but also to surpass it by offering something that is ready-made, reasonably-priced, not requiring special knowledge to be dealt with and, what is most important, qualitative.
TemplateMonster themes and templates are a universal solution for any kind of business, as they can be adjusted to any company’s size and activities, as well as modified in accordance with settings, features, functionalities, screens required by the future caretaker of the web page. Basing on the groundbreaking research of our potential customers’ demands, now we can easily craft an exclusive template for any business sphere. For example, our restaurant multifunctional themes feature booking-table option and the corporate templates own built-in maps, contact forms, and social media integration – everything to help a client’s business prosper.
Nowadays our TemplateMonster collection consists of approximately 27 000 website templates, and more than 60 000 single items. Despite the huge number of existing platforms, we managed to provide everything for everybody. TemplateMonster owns unique 1250 WordPress themes, more than 1000 Joomla templates, 4000 HTML5 templates, almost 500 Drupal themes, about 300 Landing page templates, approximately 400 Magento themes and more than 2000 e-commerce templates, which can boast of an exquisite design and an array of useful options. For customers’ convenience, our templates are split into several categories like templates for Fashion&Beauty, Art&Culture, Business&Services, etc. A distinctive feature of TemplateMonster themes and templates is a customization. It means that any template can be modified to gain exactly these options, design elements and settings the customer wish for – with TemplateMonster the web dreams come true within a couple of hours!
It is 2018 and TemplateMonster not only owns the largest template library in the world, which is being constantly updated with the new ideas and extensions but also holds a status of a world-known digital marketplace, made by more than 6 million of our potential customers for the web design newbies. For those, who is only making his first steps in web development, our platform provides an opportunity to earn their first $1,000 and the web design “monsters” can make even 10 times more.
TemplateMonster marketplace is a true paradise for web developers of any skills and experience. Our templates own numerous built-in features – more than any other marketplace can offer. Besides, a customer gets a full package of source files and special offers such as spam protection or free copywriting services. We are not sure if there could be anything better than TemplateMonster marketplace to build a dreamlike website. Our 6 million customers are not sure either. That’s why TemplateMonster marketplace is one of the best (if not the best) in the whole world.
Template Monster and Mobile Revolution
Who was thinking about optimization in the early 2000’s? Right, nobody, as the cell phones of that times didn’t provide such an opportunity. In 2018 the percentage of all global web pages served to mobile phones is to constitute more than 52%! What’s this if not a true smartphone revolution?
To make your site popular and easy-to-find, it should be fully functional on smartphones and tablets. It is a must if you want to rank your web page high in Google page search.
In TemplateMonster we couldn’t ignore such a key principle of web design concept – all our themes and templates are fully mobile-responsive and can be perfectly viewed on any of the existing types of screens.
TemplateMonster and Irrepressible WordPress
TemplateMonster was launched in 2002. WordPress was launched in 2003. Is it a coincidence? We don’t think so. As WordPress kicked off, it was mostly used as an online tool for blogging. Today it is one of the largest blog hosted platforms with million users, who have chosen it to create any types of sites. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, WordPress is extremely easy to manage and quick to install. It provides perfect opportunities to structure the content, to customize your website and to connect it to all the well-known social networks.
Here, in TemplateMonster, we are mad about WordPress themes and templates. In our collection, we have thousands of them and recently have launched our new WordPress theme called Monstroid2. It is an improved version of our previous Monstroid theme, which, however, turned out to be a success. We tripled our efforts to create it as a solid high-quality theme, fully based on our rich experience and our customer’s desires. And it is not just about design – Monstroid2 is all about attitude, how we craft each element, the research we make, the success we want our clients to reach. So, nothing is perfect, but Monstroid2.
TemplateMonster and That Scary Word “Optimization”
10 years ago it was enough just to have a website to “stay in rotation”. Now, without proper optimization, your page may turn out to be invisible even if it exists. Our templates are perfectly structured to make your future site stand out in Google search. TemplateMonster offers easy-to-crawl layouts, which are created for comfortable navigation and feature unmatched options like signing up for the recent news, joining up a meeting or webinar or even chat online. A function of social media integration, which is extremely important in the 21st century, is also ensured.
TemplateMonster and Analytics
The role of analytics and research in the modern web design can hardly be overestimated. 10-15 years ago these tools were usually ignored letting the intuition and customer’s whims to be key factors while creating a website. Now the breadth of methods and techniques used to identify the web page visitors and potential customers has increased sharply. In TemplateMonster we are extremely proud of our own Research Center, which is used to ensure a foundation for our future creations in a form of accurate analysis and analytical research. Offering a decent array of ways to make successful business decisions and enhancing an existing site to gain better results, it is an essential tool for conversion rate increase.
Attitude as a New Black or TemplateMonster Customer Support
Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. ~ Damon Richards.
Gone are the days, when the customer was left alone with his problems. Now the client support is a crucial business competitive. Although TemplateMonster Customer Support Specialists know the ropes of the products they offer, the empathy and desire to help and to make a client happy prevail. Working in 24/7 mode and available online or by phone, they are ready to help in finding a right decision, selecting a proper template, downloading and installing and, of course, fixing the problems in case the client faces ones. So, the TemplateMonster customers are assisted before, during and after the purchase.
TemplateMonster and Blogging
Being underestimated 10 years ago, nowadays a corporate blog is our essential tool of communication with the customers. TemplateMonster team is always open to a dialogue, as we are extremely excited about collecting feedback from our audience. Offering a plethora of useful materials and articles to the readers, TemplateMonster blog is an excellent platform for opinion sharing.
TemplateMonster Hits Communities
“I’m alright Jack” concept is left in the past – now people are teaming up to share their knowledge, experience, and practices. It’s a brilliant tool to inspire and to empower people for new achievements. TemplateMonster marketplace is just staffed with amazingly gifted web designers, emerging brand-new ideas and views. Inspiration is saturating the air when these people are all brought together in such a wonderful place. Here everybody can get a real estimation of his works or be criticized for further improvement.
TemplateMonster’s role in community life is also identified by the launching of the mentioned Monstroid2 WordPress theme. It features a GPL license, so now, being a part of a huge social environment, we are happy to share our works and ideas with the others. Thus, we re-launched our framework Cherry 5 – it is an open-source tool for everyone to enjoy for free.
TemplateMonster and Giving More
The principal mainstream of our times is not to make money – it is to solve clients’ problems and to get money for it as a benefit. TemplateMonster is not only following the latest web advancements but also creates its own ones. Look what we offer leaving all the trends behind:
Digital Book and Manual Library
TemplateMonster features both the world greatest collection of themes and templates and a unique library of digital books and manuals on how to create your website using a template, boost your online business and implement the top-notch marketing strategies. Established and published by the leading experts of our company, they can be downloaded absolutely for free.
Caretaking Support Service
Working on 24/7 basis, TemplateMonster team is always ready to help. We are fond of communication with our clients, supporting them while they select that “one and only” template, make a purchase, practice its editing, work on customization and simply feel alone 🙂 . We strongly believe – trust-based relations are new “business” black.
100% Satisfaction
If you change your mind after making a purchase, we will offer you another great template absolutely for free. If it is still not your cup of tea – we will give your money back. TemplateMonster’s customers are satisfied customers.
Free Templates
Download for free, practice editing and get inspired before purchasing the chosen ones.
Special Shares and Sales
TemplateMonster bonus policy is really a bargain. We can’t help awarding our customers with decent promos and bonuses – it’s our work of love!
What the Future Holds
It is hard to imagine what the web design will look like in several years as the dramatic innovations keep coming up with the unbelievable speed. However, we know for sure, that TemplateMonster team will work hard. Not waiting for inspiration to come – the quality of our products doesn’t depend on mood, weather or a muse. We are like craftsmen, who are doing their job masterfully and systematically. And TemplateMonster itself will turn into global web platform, ensuring an opportunity for everyone to create a dream website from scratch without any outside help. That’s our own evolution, we are implementing day by day.
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