
Welcome to the Tech Glows Advertising page.

advertise here at tech glows

Are you looking to target the right audience to boost your sales? Do you need an effective high performance ad which can generate quick sales and leads? If Yes then you are at right place.

Tech Glows is a blog which focuses on technology, gadgets, websites, how-to’s, softwares, computer tricks, tech tips, mobile reviews, software reviews, latest tech tricks and many more tech related things.

We concentrate on quality content and always brings the latest and most useful things for our blog readers. We are having genuine readers who not only have keen interest in our articles but they will also buy your products if it’s of the same niche. So we guarantee you the best conversion.

We have started advertising here at Tech Glows. The prices are affordable and the most important thing is you get the maximum return on investment.

Below are our statistics as on 7th June 2015.

Alexa Rank – 160,000

Facebook Fans – 1,600

Email Subscribers – 1500+

Twitter Followers – 500+

Google Plus Followers – 450+

Average visits per month – 16000-22000

Average page views per month – 20000-28000

Here’s the Advertising cost per month at Tech Glows.

Size Placing Price
468 x 60 Right side of logo $100/ month
300 x 250 Sidebar $75/ month
468 x 60 Single Post After Title $125/ month
125 x 125 At the end of Single Post $50/ month
300 x 300 In the middle of the page on the top $75/ month



We write reviews of mobiles, gadgets, computer softwares, android apps, windows and any thing related to technology. We will write a genuine review with quality content of 1000+ words. Also, we will provide 1 Do-Follow back link with it. The sponsored review will be shared in all our social media profiles too.

By a sponsored review or post your product/service will get huge audience reach and SEO to your site. That’s what an advertiser/sponsor need. So here at Tech Glows, we write a review for $100.

If you have any queries related to advertising or sponsored reviews/posts on this blog, please feel free to contact us.

You can also shoot an email to

Guidelines and Rules

1. Advertisements from this blog’s niche will be given preference than other niche ads.

2. We accept payments via Paypal, Bank Transfer (NEFT), Payoneer.

3. We don’t accept posts from other niches and sites like gambling, porn, etc.