Pressly Review; Make Money from Sponsored Posts

Review of: Pressly

Reviewed by:
On October 27, 2018
Last modified:October 26, 2018


A great platform for publishers to earn money via sponsored posts with Full Transparency.

It hurts a lot! Having been indulged in blogging for years and not earned a penny! I can see you nodding. Maybe you say, ‘hey Abdul, I have made money, but not enough to pay my bills’. I know how it feels like.

You have tried AdSense, affiliate marketing, and even pitched companies for sponsored posts. Everything failed miserably. Not a single source got you a stable income, didn’t it? Don’t worry! I have got a solution so that you won’t complain ever again.

Pressly Review; Make Money from Sponsored Posts

Pressly Review; Make Money from Sponsored Posts

Yeah, here it comes; Pressly. No, it isn’t yet another gimmicky site that promises you many but delivers nothing. If you are hesitant, you can see the proof below.

Pressly Payment dashboard proofFeatures of Pressly

I have compiled a few features of the platform below. You know they aren’t all!

  • Requires Literally Zero Effort from the Publisher

Most of the times, clients want us to write the articles. However, Pressly doesn’t give you the extra burden. What it does is publishing the article directly on your site. You still monitor the site and make changes if anything goes beyond your interest (it doesn’t happen).

  • Feature to Add Multiple Sites

Do you have multiple websites with impressive matrices? Well, you can add all those into the platform. The benefit? More advertisers and obviously more money! The platform gives you the Publisher panel with four tabs; of them, the second one shows you the added websites.

  • Comprehensive Reports

You need timely reports to determine the amount of money you are getting. Moreover, reports are essential for following up with the publication process. Pressly includes an exclusive section for reports. There you can find out the people you collaborated in the past, the amount of money they sent you, and the time of publication.

  • Affiliate Program for Extra Money

I know at least 500 bloggers who own a blogging niche blog. The scorching truth is more than 50% of them hasn’t found their steady source of income yet. In case you happen to be a struggling blogger, you can make use of Pressly affiliate program. The process is simple. You bring them publishers, they bring you money; fair and square. No intermittence, no excuses, and no partial payments! You get paid once you bring someone.

  • Your Blog Becomes Popular

Even with an ostentatious website with outstanding matrices, you can’t always earn money via regular methods. Given that you partner with Pressly, you will get exposed to their broad database of advertisers. They will see your site in the listing and even order press releases. Of course, it will fuel your way to being popular among them.

How to Sign up for Pressly?

I am glad you asked! You won’t have to fill a long form.

First, you have to visit the website. There, you will see a link with the anchor Become a Partner. Clicking on the same gives you a small form with options to sign up using Facebook or Google Plus. You can choose any of the three methods.

Don’t forget to add your website after joining. No kidding here! No one on the earth can help you make money out of your blog if you are reluctant to share the URL.

Final Verdict

Is it another fake service to lure you in? I don’t think so!

I myself signed up for the service to make money from this very same blog. You have seen the screenshot of my first earning. You have my word, go for it.

Make money, make more money, make even more money! No one is going to stop you.

A word of caution:- Don’t sacrifice the quality of your content in the pursuit of money.

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