Cookie Cutter Websites Are Now a Thing of the Past: 4 Reasons Why You Should Go for a Custom Design

Deciding whether or not you need to hire a web designer can be a daunting task. For most businesses, choosing a custom web designer may seem like a waste of money so they prefer going for website template which cost $10 or even less. However, it’s imperative to remember that cheap can be expensive and thus, it is always advisable to go for a custom design. Here are four reasons why custom designs are the best.

  1.   Templates are slower than Expected

Before going for a predesigned theme, you need to first test its speed on the Google Page Speed. Today, page speed is a crucial factor when it comes to issues of SEO. Therefore, when you select a theme that loads slowly, SEO will not help much with your rankings. However, when you have experts design custom themes for your website, you are assured that your theme will be as fast as you would want it to be. There are no bloated extra codes to slow down your site when you go for a custom design.

  1.   Built For Scaling

Custom designs are usually built for scaling. Many premade templates usually lack the foundation necessary to grow as your business grows. Custom designs are usually coded to deal with high level of traffic and can expand along with your business. Moreover, experienced custom designs employ the best practices to assist you with SEO and provide excellent user experience. When it comes to e-commerce, you have one opportunity to create an impression and when that fails, you are likely to lose your customers. Working with custom designers such as netStride will ensure you get a quality website which is highly optimized to the benefit of your company.

  1.   SEO Security

Search Engine Optimization usually creates so much confusions for business owners as they worry about the effectiveness of their websites. Many website templates are designed to be appealing to the eyes, but these may not necessarily be designed for SEO.  An experienced web designer will be in a position to create a website which can rank highly in the search engine and one that contains strong meta-data and keywords which will help recognize your site as informative, genuine, and helpful. More often than not, businesses that utilize templates hire SEO experts to help improve their rankings because their templates fail to offer satisfactory results. These expenses would have easily been saved if such businesses had utilized custom designs from the start.

  1.   Quality Assurance

Template and pre-made themes are usually not tested on your web host. They may be excellent for the designer’s set up but may fail in yours. To avoid this, custom developers can create a website that is ideal for your working environment. Moreover, these professionals can link up directly with your web host or IT team to solve any issues that may arise before taking the website live.

Final Word

Although custom designs require an extensive upfront investment, the benefits obtained from such designs are worth it as opposed to a premade template. When creating a website for your business, make sure you hire professional designers for an optimized site.

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